發布日期:2023-04-20 瀏覽次數:902
工程位于烏茲別克斯坦塔什干州阿漢加蘭區比爾利克村,內容包括9200㎡輔料預均化堆場及輸送長堆網架、9200㎡原煤預均化堆場及輸送長堆網架、Ф 60m熟料庫網架、Ф 98m石灰石預均化堆場圓堆網架及輸送熟料儲存及輸送、1794㎡水泥包裝及發運棧臺鋼網架等子項供貨與安裝。
Space frame of Conch 5000t/d clinker & cement production line , Tashkent Uzbekistan .
The project is located in Billik Village, Ahangaran District, Tashkent Prefecture, Uzbekistan, including the supply and erection of a 9200㎡Common Preblending yard & conveying long stacking grid, 9200㎡of raw coal pre-homogenization yard and conveying long stacking grid, space frame of Ф 60m of clinker silo , Ф98m Stacker & Reclaimer Dome and clinker storage& conveying and 1794 ㎡ packing house & dispatch.